Monday, July 15, 2013


I wanted to write a little something about how I personally view people’s “Feelings”. I believe that if someone tells you that you can control how you feel that they are lying to you and themselves. I think that when you run across people who ignore or dismiss or even repress their feelings are setting themselves up for some serious physical illnesses which may include arthritis, cancer and even various types of chronic illnesses. For example: When people experience fear, anxiety, frustration, negativity and yes even depression that there are chemicals that are released into your body. Why do I think this? Because I actually have this problem where when I get too upset or wear too tight of clothing I end up breaking out into what looks like hives but what’s happening is my body is releasing chemicals associated with stress. I do however believe there are different chemicals that can be released as well because there are also chemicals that are released into your body when you experience positive emotions as well such as when you are feeling content, happy, accepted or loved. Now there are people who will tell you that you need to work on your belief system but I ask why? What’s the point? God made me the way I was and I believe everything happens for a reason, even if it is something bad that we have to go through or experience to learn from. Now does it always mean that we will learn from it? No it sure doesn’t, I’ve also experienced this as well. Anyone who ever tells you that you have to change anything about yourself isn’t loving you but rather trying to control you. There are also people out there that you will hear saying “I won’t be afraid anymore when I have enough money” only later to find out that no amount of money can stop their fear. There’s even a good example of those who will say “I won’t feel lonely anymore once I find a secure relationship” only later on to figure out that they are still lonely regardless of the relationship they have. I think when people begin to understand that no matter where we go or what we do that we take our feelings with us no matter where we go. People don’t seem to understand that a new house or job or new clothes will not change how we feel permanently. Our feelings remain with us until we all figure out our own way of releasing them. No other person in the world can change how you feel except for you. Sure they can say something that puts a smile on your face, or say something positive and you can experience a happiness for the time being but the original feelings we came with even before the uplifting words from others never ceases to go away until we ourselves change them. Make no mistake that I am by no means saying that Emotions are the only cause of illness because it’s not. We all live in a world of poisonous infection that spreads faster than we can blink. It doesn’t matter how many basic emotions there are or what varying emotions stem from them, there are always different degrees of intensity with every one of them which can be mild, moderate, strong, or intense. Our Emotions, like it or not have a very direct affect on how our bodies work. So back to the point of being able to control your emotions. No you can not control your emotions and you shouldn’t even try to. The only thing you can do is try to learn how to be with them whether good or bad. Our actions that stem from these emotions is a different story because I do believe we all can control our own actions. If you sit long enough with your emotion and experience it to the fullest you can then bring Logic into the picture once you’ve calmed down and decide what action needs to be taken and what is smart and what is not; what is morally right and what is not. If you ever see someone explode into anger at something you find trivial or harmless, well try not to judge them because all they are doing is releasing repressed emotions that are leaking out. In other words the more you try to control your emotions the more they resist your control and eventually will come out in time. The more frightened people are is considered to be a loss of emotional control. These things run in a vicious circle. People have the misconception that others shouldn’t disagree with what they say or what they believe in which would basically be saying “Don’t express any of your negative emotions in public”; which I find very annoying and wrong. This doesn’t mean to lash out and humiliate someone in public, because of course you can hold those feelings in long enough until you can speak privately to that person about the problems. People often think that showing your emotion in public represents being “out of control” or even a sign of being weak, but if you study this area long enough you’ll see that when a person cries it doesn’t mean they are weak, it means they have simply been strong for too long. I think people are uncomfortable with those who express strong emotion because most of us are taught to hide our emotions or to be ashamed or afraid of them.Regardless, we are born with them and must live with them. This means learning how to know them, be with them, and release them in our own way and in our own time. When you try to deny your emotional responses to another person this is being deeply abusive to yourself. Another example is giving someone the “silent treatment” which is a cruel way of controlling the situation as some would say but at the same time there are various ways we all have to deal with how we are feeling and if you don’t feel as though you can talk to the other person about how you are feeling or about anything else for that matter just long enough to be able to identify and see what exactly your emotion is and why you are feeling that way then you are not dealing and being one with your emotion so that one can go both ways; either as a punishment or a way to deal with the emotions you are feeling. People talk about how they feel on a daily basis to others, whether it’s about what someone else said or did or caused others to say or do etc… If you cannot feel how you are feeling but can only talk about it then you are not dealing with the issue at hand. I do believe that people are really afraid to feel their own feelings and afraid of pain and getting hurt, feeling a sense of failure or loss is another big emotion people have. Some people are even afraid to cry but I honestly think that if you can be strongly connected to your emotional life that you can being living a life with higher inner energy and have a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction in just that. Now I’ll talk about something I’m very familiar with which is having experiences that are painfully difficult that we are unable to cope with or are just afraid of it. This is something I myself have dismissed and have tried to pretend that it never happened but what happens when we do this is we are not feeling the emotion and we end up repressing or suppressing and burying emotions. Sometimes people do this by covering it up with food, exercise, or by just being busy in life. What happens with those feelings though? They go to our muscles, midriff, auras, stomach, and ligaments believe it or not. The feelings we busy remain that way until we ourselves or an event or situation causes us to have to deal with them and feel them. This can also be the main cause of physical illness. There are many ways a person can avoid their feelings such as Ignoring your feelings such as Ignoring your feelings, pretending something didn’t happen, overeating, eating foods with a lot of sugar and fat, excessive alcohol drinking, excessive use of drugs, exercising compulsively, compulsive behavior of many types if not all types, excessive sex with or without a partner, excessive reading, excessive television, working too much, having superficial conversations, burying emotions with a mask, or just simply keeping busy. People will sometimes work very hard to keep emotions stuffed down. It takes quite a lot of energy to bury and keep emotions buried. Most of us all have a goal to live a more spiritual love based life. The higher the spirituality of a person is the closer we are to becoming what we were meant to be and finding our purpose. It is very difficult to obtain a higher level of consciousness spiritually when you have buried emotions that you are not dealing with. When dealing with your buried emotions I can tell you that you should either do this in solitude or with others, whichever one you are more comfortable with is the one you should choose. Some people may want to write about it, or even use a more casual approach. There is no limit to the number of approaches you can use in order to deal with your emotions or even to identify them. I’ve even been guilty of walking around telling people that “It doesn’t matter how I feel” as if it were small or unimportant, when in reality it matters immensely. Forgiveness is also a very important result of the process which must come but in your own time and in your own way. Keep in mind when you try to get to know your emotions that confusion will occur and result in depression. If you experience loneliness for other people or loneliness for god, boredom, and/or lack of creativity in your life, then this will occur. If you are feeling abandoned due to a death or divorce and you are only saying you are depressed because of these things then you will have great difficulty releasing the emotion. You may be feeling abandoned because of a death or divorce. If you just say you are depressed you will have great difficulty releasing the emotion or finding a solution to the situation causing the emotion. We must always remember that what is normal to us may not be normal to others. It is also very important to include all the positive emotions and things about yourself that you love when dealing with repressed emotions which will provide you with a realistic picture. Other ways to deal with emotion is to scream, write, punch a punching bag or object (never another person), and keep in mind to concentrate on the emotion rather than what caused it and never be afraid to feel anything because when you can completely feel them then you own that feeling. Another thing I’m guilty of myself is sharing how I feel with people on the Internet who are complete strangers to me because I did that with various people when I should have done it in person with one person that I trusted. When sharing how you feel with various people like I did then your feelings keep having to come up over and over again about the same situation that took place and you aren’t really getting a good perspective of it if you keep having to relive it. When you find your emotion within yourself and it is anger then you will find that it rests around your belly button which is like a black lingering thread like substance throughout your body. Sadness will sit in the midriff area and other emotions can rest anywhere in your body such as bone joints, ligaments, muscles etc. Take the time to Pray for anyone you may resent because wishing wonderful things for them is basically wishing to have things in your own life that you would want for yourself which can help release you from resentment. Yes this is very difficult so be prepared. Writing about the person can also help. No matter what anyone ever tells me in this life I know that in my own emotions that I am alone and one with them. I can ask God for help with them or I can ask others, but truly it is up to us as individuals to handle and care for emotions as we experience them. Does this always happen? No. Dealing with your emotions, accepting them, releasing them, and experiencing them is something we all do. I find peace in Prayer, and comfort in hugs. I wish anyone who reads this nothing but the utmost happiness and joy in their life and remember this quote if nothing else.. Individually we are one drop, together we are an Ocean..

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